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Pursue Development of Individualized Goals & Objectives

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Are individual music therapy sessions right for me?

Vida Music Therapy offers home-based individual music therapy sessions.  Within individual sessions, there is an initial assessment where information regarding development, individual differences, referral, and reasons for pursing therapy are gathered.  Based on the information gathered in conjunction with an in-person session, individualized goals and objectives are created to target the most important areas of need.  Individual music therapy sessions are truly one of the best ways to demonstrate progress within music therapy.  Through these sessions, a therapeutic relationship is built between the client and the therapist where the therapist is able to meet the client and challenge them appropriately based on their needs.  


The greatest benefit of individual music therapy sessions is that they allow for a greater amount of collaboration between the family and the therapist to lead to maximum progress in goal areas.  Individuals with developmental delays, ASD, neurological disorders, learning disabilities, and other special needs can all be good candidates for music therapy sessions.  If an individual has an innate interest or motivation in music, then pursing music therapy could be the right fit for them! 

three persons playing sundry instruments
Man with Down Syndrome Playing Violin


Therapeutic music experiences may include: 

  • Music improvisation with instruments and/or voice

  • Active music-making with percussion instruments

  • Singing familiar songs with live accompaniment

  • Song-writing

  • Music games

  • Play-based music experiences 

  • Assisted instrument play

  • Altering or modulating familiar songs to fit with moment to moment actions

  • Dancing or moving to music

  • Regulating motor planning with music and steady rhythm

  • Advancing language skills through singing and other rhythmic experiences

  • Discussing one's emotional reaction or meaning attached to a particular music experience

  • Recording oneself creating music and listening back 

  • Music-assisted relaxation


Therapeutic goals may focus on the following areas: 

  • Sustained attention

  • Regulation and focus

  • Pleasurable interactions with others

  • Anticipation

  • Purposeful communication

  • Back and forth interaction

  • Initiating circles of communication

  • Social problem-solving 

  • Co-regulation

  • Language development

  • Emotional expression

  • Quality of life

  • Purposeful imitation

  • Self-esteem

  • Social skills 

  • Personal reflection

  • Relaxation

  • Pain management

  • Memory

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