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Get to Know Me
and My Philosophy



Sarah Martinez, BA, MT-BC

Sarah Martinez graduated from California State University with a bachelor's degree in Music Therapy.  She went on to complete a 6 month internship and work long-term at Professional Child Development Associates where she treated children with special needs, adults with severe to profound intellectual disabilities, and individuals with dementia and Alzheimer's disease.  Sarah also has experiences working in hospice, mental health settings, and with typically developing children.  She has trainings in DIRFloortime® and Music Together®. Sarah has a background in piano performance, voice, guitar, and worship arts.  She loves to combine her unique gifts to help those in need through using music to create joyful and therapeutic experiences.  


DIR Floortime & Music Therapy 

Sarah is trained in DIRFloortime®, a therapeutic model that provides a foundation for understanding human development. Through the lens of this training Sarah focuses on identifying key milestones for a person's development and uses these milestones to assess their most pertinent needs.  She also identifies their individual differences as she takes into account their unique sensory profiles, interests, and desires.  Lastly, she focuses on all the important relationships in a person's life so that skills can be generalized and deep connections can be made.  Through this model, Sarah seeks to follow the client's lead and adapt their interests to be used within the context of therapy so that the impacts of her work extend beyond direct therapy.  

Holding Hands
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